Friday 8 December 2023

Republic Day speech for kids

Speech 1

Good morning everyone!

I am thrilled to stand here and talk to you about a very special day for our country – Republic Day. Do you know why we celebrate Republic Day? Well, it's the day when our great country, India, adopted its own Constitution.

Imagine a rulebook that tells us how to play the game of being a nation! That's what our Constitution is. It gives us our rights, tells us how our leaders should work, and it's like the superhero guiding our country.

On this day, January 26th, we remember the leaders who worked hard to give us this rulebook, especially Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He was like the captain of our superhero team! We celebrate Republic Day with parades, music, and a lot of excitement.

So, let's all be proud Indians and celebrate Republic Day with joy and respect for our wonderful country!

Speech 2 

Hello everyone!

Republic Day is not just any holiday; it's a day of pride and honor for all of us. It's like our country's birthday! On this day, in 1950, India officially became a republic. Now, being a republic means that the power to govern the country is in the hands of its people – that's us!

Think of our Constitution as a magical book that protects our rights and tells the leaders how to lead our country. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, one of our great leaders, played a key role in making this magical book.

Every year, on January 26th, we celebrate Republic Day with grand parades, beautiful decorations, and the tricolor flag flying high in the sky. It's a day to feel proud of being Indian!

So, let's celebrate this special day with joy, respect, and a deep love for our incredible country. Happy Republic Day!

Speech 3 

Hello friends!

Republic Day is like a big party for our country, and we're all invited! It's the day we cheer for our nation and remember the amazing leaders who made our country what it is today. Just like birthdays, we celebrate the birthday of our Republic on January 26th.

Our Constitution is like a superhero guide that makes sure everything is fair and just. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of our Constitution, did a fantastic job. He made sure that every Indian has rights and is treated equally.

So, on Republic Day, let's wear our biggest smiles, wave our flags, and shout, "Jai Hind!" as we celebrate the awesomeness of India!

Speech 4:

Hey everyone!

Guess what? Republic Day is like the coolest anniversary ever! It's the day when India decided to follow its own set of rules and become a republic. Think of it as the day we got our superhero handbook – the Constitution!

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and his superhero team worked really hard to create this handbook, making sure it's fair and just for everyone. On January 26th, we remember their superhero efforts and celebrate the fact that we are all part of this incredible Indian family.

So, let's wear our tricolor badges, sing patriotic songs, and thank our lucky stars that we live in this awesome country. Happy Republic Day, everyone!

Speech 5:

Greetings, my fellow students!

Republic Day is not just a day off from school; it's a day of honor and patriotism. It's like our country's official birthday when we became a republic and took charge of our destiny.

Our Constitution, the set of rules that guides our nation, is the real hero of the story. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect, and his team of brilliant minds worked together to create this masterpiece.

So, on this special day, let's stand tall, salute our flag, and appreciate the freedom and unity that our Constitution gives us. Happy Republic Day, proud Indians!

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